Becoming a Hoo-Hoo Member
Membership is drawn by invitation from all aspects of the forest products industry. It includes people from forestry, sawmilling, research, education, manufacturing, and marketing of all wood-based products, and includes all who derive their main livelihood from the industry. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the club, or a club member for information on sponsorship.
New Members
Please see HHI Bylaws for eligibility. Return completed application along with payment to applicant’s sponsor or the local club secretary/treasurer. Fee includes Hoo-Hoo lapel pin (with membership number engraved on the back), membership card and subscription to the Log & Tally magazine.
Download a New Hoo-Hoo Application
Reinstatement Application
Please see HHI Bylaws for reinstatement eligibility. Return completed application along with payment to applicant’s sponsor or the local club secretary/treasurer.
Download a Hoo-Hoo Reinstatement Application